“Anarchist, utopian, Situationist, Surrealist, mystical thoughts … Twentieth-century poets, for whom words are both breath and meaning.” – Guillaume Mazloum
“Anarchist, utopian, Situationist, Surrealist, mystical thoughts … Twentieth-century poets, for whom words are both breath and meaning. Sound and sigh, text and texture, page and image. Crossing a century of horror and promise, of barbarity and technology, whose burden discharges heavily onto any future. And very low, in the clamor of time, the poet deals the blows of words that we stubbornly refuse to hear: we’ll need to work ‘till the end of time, we’ll need to rediscover both the gesture and the word.”- [Guillame Mazloum]
Né en 1981. Vit et travaille à Paris. Membre des laboratoires cinématographiques d’artistes l’Etna et l’Abominable.
Born in 1981. Lives and works in Paris. Member of artist-run film labs l’Etna and l’Abominable.
2017 | 16mm to Digital | colour | sound | 40 min
Pensées anarchistes, utopiques, situationnistes, surréalistes, mystiques ? Poètes du XX siècle, pour qui les mots sont autant souffle que signification. Son et haleine, texte et texture, page et image.
Traversée d’un siècle d’horreurs et de promesses, de barbaries et de technologies, dont la charge se déverse lourdement sur tout avenir.
Et très bas, dans le fracas du temps, le poète assène des mots qu’on s’obstine à ne pas entendre : Il faudra travailler jusqu’à la fin des temps, il faudra retrouver le geste et la parole. – [LightCone]
Anarchist, utopian, Situationist, Surrealist, mystical thoughts? Twentieth-century poets, for whom words are both breath and meaning. Sound and sigh, text and texture, page and image.
Crossing a century of horror and promise, of barbarity and technology, whose burden discharges heavily onto any future.
And very low, in the clamor of time, the poet deals the blows of words that we stubbornly refuse to hear: we’ll need to work ’til the end of time, we’ll need to rediscover both the gesture and the word. – [LightCone]